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  • Writer's pictureMisty Grebner

All About the Hair

Updated: Jun 16, 2020

Hair Loss & Hair Extensions - My story of hair loss and how I haven't let it define me.

It's taken me days to write this blog post...I want to tell you all about my hair loss and how I've dealt with it but it is super uncomfortable for me to talk about. Hair loss is hard. Period. Hard to deal with, hard to look at, hard to fix - just plain hard. My hope in getting real and open is that you or someone you know can benefit from my know that there is a possible solution and to know that you are not alone. In a world that covets long, luscious locks; having and dealing with hair loss can be devastating to your confidence and self love...but, now with so many options available, we have hope!

So, first things first. I've always had very fine, thin hair. Throughout my 20's and early 30's I kept it cut in a short bob, colored or glossed to help give it a little texture. However, when I had my daughter at age 27 I had postpartum hair loss about 3 months after she was born. My doctor assured me that was normal, it happens when pregnancy hormones exit your body. After a few months I began to notice that I wasn't shedding hair any longer, but my hair had become thinner than ever before. I didn't continue to lose more hair, it just never regained the thickness it was before I had my daughter. So, fast forward to age 33 when I had my son. My doctor warned me that having a baby in your thirties is completely different than having a baby in your twenties and boy was she spot on! From early on my second pregnancy was more difficult, we had a miscarriage scare, then I fractured the top of my foot with a fall down the stairs, and then he was born a few weeks early...nothing traumatic, just not an easy pregnancy like the one I had with my daughter. I had honesty forgotten all about my hair loss at that point, until about 3 months postpartum when I started shedding hair again! Then it all came rushing back. I watched as my hair became so thin I couldn't even style it. My hair just laid flat on my head all day. No pony tails, no buns, just a straggly mess that was so thin you could see through it. Plus, I noticed that my part had become much larger and wider.

After living with all the hair loss and thin hair for about a year and a half, I started researching ways to combat hair loss. Hair supplements, hair oils, hair masks, vitamins, and then I came across information about hair extensions. Honestly, I thought hair extension were only something singers, models and movie stars did. What I found was that everyday people were wearing them and there was even a gal in my small hometown that installed them! I was so intrigued - I mean we live in a town of 5,000 people...and I didn't know someone installed hair extensions? I immediately set up a consultation...I went and if I remember correctly, my first set of hair extensions cost me roughly $1,200...yes, you read that correct. I was desperate though. Every time I looked in the mirror I hated my reflection...Hated how my hair looked. I saved up the money and took the leap!

And wow, what a difference it made. I felt seriously like a new person when I looked in the mirror. It made me look younger, feel more confident and honestly, I was happier.

Throughout the last six years I have worn hair extensions non-stop. I've tried three different types. The first (expensive) extensions I had were Great Lengths Keratin Bonded extensions. Next, I wore Babe Tape-in extensions for about a year, then found a brand called JZ Styles Tape-in extensions. I always had them taken them out and put right back in; however, with each install I noticed that my hair still continued to thin and I even had a few balding spots. I'm positive that some of the thinning can be contributed to wearing hair extensions constantly, but even on the top of my head where hair extensions have never been installed has thinned. And now that I'm 40, well, lots of things change at 40, so, I'm sure hair thinning isn't going to stop anytime soon.

This past August, I found a stylist about an hour away from my small town that installed hand-tied weft hair extensions by JZ Styles. I had actually been following the brand on Instagram as this was the brand of tape-in extensions I used. The hand-tied weft method is made for fine, thin hair and has become more popular in the last year or so. Since having the hand-tied wefts, I have found that several of my balding spots are growing back. They look so natural. No one really knows I have them unless I tell them, and then when they do find out they are so surprised and always comment on how natural they look! Honestly, I can say this about all three types of extensions I've worn. They've all looked amazing and I've LOVED all of them - the keratin bonded extensions, taped extensions and now the hand-tied wefts. Just as different types are made and techniques are used, I find what works best for the stage my hair is at. I've also found some of the best stylists who have truly cared about my hair and how much of a difference it makes for me.

Lately, I've had so many questions about extensions; what it's like having them, how they feel, does it hurt, how do I take care of them, how much they cost, etc. that I wanted to share my story and experience.

If you have hair loss or thin hair please know that you are not alone and now that hair extensions are so much more common, the cost has dropped drastically! It only cost me a small fraction of what I paid that first time! Honestly about what a normal cut and color every 6 weeks would cost.

So, here is my story, before, during and after!

All About the Hair Part 1 - Watch Here

All About the Hair Part 2 - Watch Here



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